# adast.xyz My personal blog, built with [ssg](https://rgz.ee/ssg.html). [[project home]](https://sr.ht/~adamski/adast.xyz/) ## Build Requirements: [lowdown(1)](https://kristaps.bsd.lv/lowdown/). git clone https://git.sr.ht/~adamski/adast.xyz cd adast.xyz ./ssg src/ dst/ adast.xyz "https://adast.xyz" ## Publish (This part is only usable by me, but you might learn something) I run the following to publish changes to my website. rsync -r dst/ adast.xyz:inet/adast.xyz ### Build & Publish ./ssg src/ dst/ adast.xyz "https://adast.xyz" && rsync -r dst/ adast.xyz:inet/adast.xyz ## Contributing If you have any changes you'd like to make to adast.xyz, please send a patch to the [adast.xyz](https://lists.sr.ht/~adamski/adast.xyz) mailing list. Feel free to start discussions about development here as well, if your change requires some thought before writing the code. ### Email setup Can be done in 10-20 minutes, and you only need to learn it once. * [mailing list etiquette](https://man.sr.ht/lists.sr.ht/etiquette.md) * [useplaintext.mail](https://useplaintext.email/) **Patches** * [git-send-email.io](https://git-send-email.io/)