[ English / Dansk ]
Adam Stück
Student programmer / Hobbyist sysadmin
Aalborg, Denmark
Linux, Sysadmin, Self-hosting (spare time)
- Got hooked on Linux early 2021
- Tried self-hosting some services on Raspberry Pi, later VPS
- Started building adast.xyz, my personal platform 😎
- Linux, SSH, CLI, Unix Shell, Git, POSIX scripting
- Docker, DNS, Certbot, Web Servers, Firewalls, Wireguard
- Countless command line utilities
Student Programmer at E-Komplet
2020-Now / Aalborg, Denmark On-site & remote
- Full stack consultant for E-Komplet client
- ASP.NET, C#, MSSQL, Azure DevOps, Git, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML
Software Developer at OK Snacks A/S
August 2019 / Ikast-Brande, Denmark
- Development of an Excel system to track spare parts in stock for production machines
- Microsoft Excel, VBA
Junior Business Analyst at Arise
June 2017 - July 2017 / Limerick, Ireland
- Organization of data in Excel
- Automation of Excel tasks using VBA
- Development of web apps to facilitate some call center tasks
- Microsoft Excel, VBA, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Work Placement at Arise
2015 / Limerick, Ireland
- 2-week school internship in the administration department
- Some Excel automation, including generation of working schedules
- Learned how a call center operates
- General office duties
- Microsoft Excel, VBA
Coding, Web Dev, Game Dev (spare time)
- Started learning programming with JavaScript
- Got into web development, built many personal websites for fun
- Started learning game development with GameMaker, and later Unity
- Improved at JavaScript and learned C# by using Unity
- Started developing arena, my multiplayer Quake-like FPS game
- JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, Unity, Blender, Audacity, Git
Aalborg University
2019-Now / Aalborg, Denmark
- Masters Degree in Computer Science - 2 Year Program (In progress)
- Bachelors Degree in Computer Science - 3 Year Program
[1] Potency-Based Heuristic Search with Randomness for Explicit Model Checking
by E.G.Henriksen, A.M. Khorsid, E. Nielsen, Th. Risager, J. Srba, A.M. Stück, S. Sørensen
In Proceedings of the 29th International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN’23), LNCS, pages 1–8, Springer-Verlag, 2023.
To appear.
PDF BibTex
- 2022: Senior Qualifier in the Danish Cyber Championships
- 2020: Participated in Create Jam
- English
- Native writing and speaking
- Danish
- Fluent writing and speaking
- German
- Rusty
- Irish
- Rusty
A selection of tools and applications I have expert experience using:
- Linux
- Git, Unix Shell
- C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Unity
I’m proficient with:
- C, Rust, python, POSIX Shell (scripting), Java
- Docker, SSH
I have some experience with:
- SQL, PHP, VBA, Haskell, Lua, JQuery, Blazor
- Blender
- Open source software
- Web accessibility
- Performance and utilization
- Linux systems
- Software security and privacy
- Minimal user interface design
- Detailed documentation
- Optimizing build times and version control
- Writing technical articles
Other: game dev, hiking/camping, boxing, running, guitar.
Available upon request.