#### [ English / [Dansk](/resume-da) ]
# Adam Stück
**Student programmer / Hobbyist sysadmin**
Aalborg, Denmark
## Experience
### Linux, Sysadmin, Self-hosting (spare time)
* Got hooked on Linux early 2021
* Tried self-hosting some [services](/services) on Raspberry Pi, later VPS
* Started building adast.xyz, my personal platform 😎
* Linux, SSH, Unix Shell, Git, POSIX scripting
* Docker, DNS, Certbot, Web Servers, Firewalls, VPNs
* Countless command line utilities
### Student Programmer at E-Komplet
**2020-Now** / Aalborg, Denmark On-site & remote
* Full stack consultant for E-Komplet client
* ASP.NET, C#, MSSQL, Azure DevOps, Git, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML
### Software Developer at OK Snacks A/S
**August 2019** / Ikast-Brande, Denmark
* Development of an Excel system to track spare parts in stock for production machines
* Microsoft Excel, VBA
### Junior Business Analyst at Arise
**June 2017 - July 2017** / Limerick, Ireland
* Organization of data in Excel
* Automation of Excel tasks using VBA
* Development of web apps to facilitate some call center tasks
* Microsoft Excel, VBA, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
### Work Placement at Arise
**2015** / Limerick, Ireland
* 2-week school internship in the administration department
* Some Excel automation, including generation of working schedules
* Learned how a call center operates
* General office duties
* Microsoft Excel, VBA
### Coding, Web Dev, Game Dev (spare time)
* Started learning programming with JavaScript
* Got into web development, built many personal websites for fun
* Started learning game development with GameMaker, and later Unity
* Improved at JavaScript and learned C# by using Unity
* Started developing [arena](https://arena.adast.xyz), my multiplayer Quake-like FPS game
* JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#, Unity, Blender, Audacity, Git
## Education
### Aalborg University
**2019-Now** / Aalborg, Denmark
* Masters Degree in Computer Science - 2 Year Program (In progress)
* Bachelors Degree in Computer Science - 3 Year Program
## Publications
[1] **Potency-Based Heuristic Search with Randomness for Explicit Model Checking**
by E.G.Henriksen, A.M. Khorsid, E. Nielsen, Th. Risager, J. Srba, **A.M. Stück**, S. Sørensen
In Proceedings of the 29th International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software (SPIN'23), LNCS, pages 1--8, Springer-Verlag, 2023.
*To appear.*
[PDF](http://www.cs.aau.dk/~srba/files/HKNRSSS:SPIN:23.pdf) [BibTex](https://homes.cs.aau.dk/~srba/srba.html#HKNRSSS:SPIN:23)
## Competitions
* 2022: Senior Qualifier in the Danish Cyber Championships
* 2020: Participated in Create Jam
## Languages
- English
- Native writing and speaking
- Danish
- Fluent writing and speaking
- German
- Rusty
- Irish
- Rusty
## Tools
A selection of tools and applications I have expert experience using:
- Linux
- Git, Unix Shell
- C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Unity
I'm proficient with:
- C, Rust, python, POSIX Shell (scripting), Java
- Docker, SSH
I have some experience with:
- SQL, PHP, VBA, Haskell, Lua, JQuery, Blazor
- Blender
## Interests
- Open source software
- Web accessibility
- Performance and utilization
- Linux systems
- Software security and privacy
- Minimal user interface design
- Detailed documentation
- Optimizing build times and version control
- Writing technical articles
Other: game dev, hiking/camping, boxing, running, guitar.
## References
Available upon request.