path: root/.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua
diff options
authorAdam <>2022-05-03 00:02:49 +0200
committeradamstuck <>2022-05-03 00:43:39 +0200
commit827805437eb232dd5605e06b448205c8a00496cd (patch)
treee9cc1de3fa95fbbfafaa81ff73f65ae87777e4bf /.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua
parent1afa3a885a6d6356ff0417af5fe602d8e97b97f0 (diff)
nvim: bufferline, nvim-tree, lsp, telescope, lualine
Diffstat (limited to '.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index edcc24d..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/setup/nvim-lsp-installer.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-local lsp_installer = require("nvim-lsp-installer")
--- Register a handler that will be called for each installed server when it's ready (i.e. when installation is finished
--- or if the server is already installed).
- local opts = {
- on_attach = function()
- vim.cmd('doautocmd User lspAttached')
- vim.cmd('augroup Format')
- vim.cmd('autocmd! * <buffer>')
- vim.cmd('autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync()')
- vim.cmd('augroup END')
- end,
- }
- local signs = { Error = " ", Warn = " ", Hint = " ", Info = " " }
- for type, icon in pairs(signs) do
- local hl = "DiagnosticSign" .. type
- vim.fn.sign_define(hl, { text = icon, texthl = hl, numhl = hl })
- end
- -- (optional) Customize the options passed to the server
- -- if == "tsserver" then
- -- opts.root_dir = function() ... end
- -- end
- -- This setup() function will take the provided server configuration and decorate it with the necessary properties
- -- before passing it onwards to lspconfig.
- -- Refer to
- server:setup(opts)