path: root/.config/zsh
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-05-15xdg: wineAdam
2022-05-15zshrc: added WORDCHARS for smarter C-wAdam
2022-05-11GTK_THEME environment variableAdam
2022-05-04zshrc: simplified ls aliasesAdam
2022-04-23zshrc: use AN3223's doasedit scriptAdam
2022-04-23Replaced startx with sxAdam
2022-04-15Cleaner pfetchAdam
2022-04-15zshrc: alias for todo, autojump -> zoxideAdam
2022-04-08zshrc: alias cleanup, insensitive search for pagerAdam
2022-04-07doas, less, pfetch promptAdam
2022-04-06clipmenu: clear cache on boot and loginAdam
2022-04-06zshrc: minor alias changeAdam
2022-04-06switched from greenclip to clipmenuAdam
2022-03-13XDG: rustupAdam
2022-03-13nvim: better lazy loadingAdam
2022-02-18XDG: wgetAdam
2022-02-13zshrc: removed unused aliasesAdam
2022-02-10XDG: zoomAdam
2022-01-26Moved nvidia-settings-rc to .config/Adam
2022-01-11updated aliasesAdam
2022-01-01Colemak keymap. Updated binds for i3, zsh, (n)vimAdam
2021-12-05Zsh history ignore duplicatesAdam
2021-12-05More home folder cleanupAdam
2021-12-04Home folder cleanupAdam
2021-12-04Prettier git log aliasAdam
2021-12-04Switched from bash to zshAdam