AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-10-07nvim: changed quickfix mappings, lualine configadam
2022-10-07nvim: changed quickfix mappingsadam
2022-10-07nvim: quickfix mappingsadam
2022-10-07nvim: fixed syntax erroradam
2022-10-07script: barpos - toggle polybar position top/bottomadam
2022-10-06nvim: disable cursorline in telescope promptadam
2022-10-06polybar: battery-bolt icon for chargingadam
2022-10-06nvim: easy mapping to escape terminal modeadam
2022-10-06nvim: global statusline, winbar, cmdheightadam
2022-10-06nvim: simpler lsp indicatoradam
2022-10-06script: dock - for toggling laptop docked setupadam
2022-10-06Use same font-sizes and scaling as 'main' branchadam
2022-10-04mpv: improved yt-dlp settingsadam
2022-10-04mpv: added input.confadam
2022-10-04newsboat: more update threads, max text widthadam
2022-10-04todo: moved todo diradam
2022-09-24mpv: yt-dlp settingsadam
2022-09-24newsboat: added configadam
2022-09-19nvim: added more lsp serversadam
2022-09-13polybar: nicer launch scriptadam
2022-08-29nvim: enabled some LSP serversadam
2022-08-29npmrc: removed deprecated settingadam
2022-08-24rofi: added missing colouradam
2022-08-16zathura: onedark statusbar coloursadam
2022-08-14polybar: onedark themeadam
2022-08-14bashrc: minor change to clg aliasadam
2022-08-13nvim: formatting fixadam
2022-08-13vim: bootstrap vim-plugadam
2022-08-13nvim: bootstrap packeradam
2022-08-10nsxiv: changed status bar fontadam
2022-08-10i3config: float nextcloudadam
2022-08-10less: minor colour changeadam
2022-08-10Added config for nsxivadam
2022-08-10minor git config changeadam
2022-07-28Use xidlehook for screensaver/suspendAdam
2022-07-28bashrc: increased history sizeAdam
2022-07-28rofi: prompt colourAdam
2022-07-28redshift: now with more red!Adam
2022-07-28delta: minor stuffAdam
2022-07-28Revert "paru: use delta as pager"Adam
2022-07-28polybar: summer themeAdam
2022-07-28polybar: no hardcoded paddingAdam
2022-07-28polybar: faster weather pollingAdam
2022-07-17polybar: switched to custom forecast appAdam
2022-07-11polybar: cleaner modulesAdam
2022-07-06polybar: don't show numlock statusAdam
2022-07-06nvim: clangd lspAdam
2022-07-05xdg: python_historyAdam
2022-07-05nvim: telescope find lsp symbolsAdam
2022-07-04nvim: cursorlinenumber highlightAdam