path: root/i18n
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'i18n')
5 files changed, 412 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/i18n/de.yaml b/i18n/de.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72944f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/de.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# German language file for cState
+# Version 3.0
+- id: languageCode
+ translation: de
+- id: languageName
+ translation: German
+- id: languageNameShort
+ translation: DE
+# Summary status message
+- id: isDown
+ translation: Wir verzeichnen einen Ausfall
+- id: isDisrupted
+ translation: Wir verzeichnen eine Störung
+- id: isNotice
+ translation: Bitte lies die Ankündigungen
+- id: isOk
+ translation: Alle Systeme funktionsbereit
+# No JS warning
+- id: noScriptingIntro
+ translation: Uh oh! Es sieht aus, als wäre JavaScript bei Dir deaktiviert. Bitte
+- id: noScriptingLink
+ translation: aktiviere die Einstellung, die verhinderdert, dass Skripte laufen.
+- id: noScriptingOutro
+ translation: um Dein Erlebnis auf dieser Website zu verbessern.
+- id: thisIsDown
+ translation: Ausfall
+- id: thisIsDisrupted
+ translation: Störung
+- id: thisIsNotice
+ translation: Wartung
+- id: thisIsOk
+ translation: Funktionsbereit
+# "Last checked" + "just now"
+- id: lastChecked
+ translation: Zuletzt aktualisiert
+- id: justNow
+ translation: gerade eben
+- id: someTimeAgo
+ translation: her
+# Example usage: `5` + `years`
+# Final result: 'Last checked 5 years ago'
+# Number goes before string
+# Use short variants until months
+- id: yearsAgo
+ translation: Jahre
+- id: monthsAgo
+ translation: Monate
+- id: daysAgo
+ translation: t
+- id: hoursAgo
+ translation: h
+- id: minsAgo
+ translation: min
+- id: secondsAgo
+ translation: s
+- id: autoRefreshNotice
+ translation: Wir versuchen die Daten alle fünf Minuten zu aktualisieren.
+# Incidents
+- id: incidents
+ translation: Vorfälle
+- id: incidentHistory
+ translation: Vorfalls Historie
+- id: resolved
+ translation: Gelöst # if it's less than a min
+- id: inUnderAMinute
+ translation: in unter einer Minute # continuing the last string
+- id: resolvedAfter
+ translation: Gelöst nach # + 19 min
+- id: ofDowntime
+ translation: Ausfallzeit
+- id: downtimeOngoing
+ translation: Ungelöst!
+- id: calmBeforeTheStorm
+ translation: Is dies die Ruhe vor dem Sturm?
+- id: noIncidentsDesc
+ translation: Es liegen keine Vorfälle vor. Eventuell hat der Besitzer (oder die Besitzer) noch keine Vorfälle verzeichnet.
+- id: continueReading
+ translation: Weiterlesen
+- id: prev
+ translation: Nächste
+- id: next
+ translation: Vorherige
+- id: goBack
+ translation: Zurück zu
+- id: backToTop
+ translation: Nach oben
+- id: poweredBy
+ translation: Powered by
+- id: rss
+ translation: RSS abonnieren
+- id: toAllUpdates
+ translation: alle Updates
+- id: or
+ translation: or
+- id: onlyThisFeed
+ translation: nur diesen Feed
+## v3
+- id: entries
+ translation: Einträge
+- id: newestToOldest
+ translation: von alt nach neu
diff --git a/i18n/en.yaml b/i18n/en.yaml
index 3eafd19..e417040 100644
--- a/i18n/en.yaml
+++ b/i18n/en.yaml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
- id: notFound
translation: There is nothing here.
- id: notFoundText
- translation: This could be a problem on our part. Perhaps we moved a certain resource and now it is gone. It is also possible that the resource you are trying to view is empty (for example, if a system has never been down, we have nothing to show). But do you also mind to double check the link?
+ translation: This could be a problem on our part. Perhaps we moved a certain resource and now it is gone. It is also possible that the resource you are trying to view is empty. But do you also mind to double check the link?
- id: rss
translation: Subscribe via RSS
@@ -131,3 +131,9 @@
translation: entries
- id: newestToOldest
translation: newest to oldest
+## v4
+- id: notFoundAffected
+ translation: It looks like this system either does not exist or has never had any recorded downtime.
diff --git a/i18n/fr.yaml b/i18n/fr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c97fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/fr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# French language file for cState
+# Version 3.0
+- id: languageCode
+ translation: fr
+- id: languageName
+ translation: French
+- id: languageNameShort
+ translation: FRE
+# Summary status message
+- id: isDown
+ translation: Nous faisons face à des problèmes majeurs
+- id: isDisrupted
+ translation: Nous faisons face à des pertubations
+- id: isNotice
+ translation: Merci de lire le détail
+- id: isOk
+ translation: Tous les systèmes sont opérationnels
+# No JS warning
+- id: noScriptingIntro
+ translation: Il semble que vous ayez désactivé JavaScript.
+- id: noScriptingLink
+ translation: Merci d'activer les scripts
+- id: noScriptingOutro
+ translation: pour améliorer votre expérience sur ce site Web.
+- id: thisIsDown
+ translation: Éteint
+- id: thisIsDisrupted
+ translation: Perturbé
+- id: thisIsNotice
+ translation: Maintenance
+- id: thisIsOk
+ translation: Opérationnel
+# "Last checked" + "just now"
+- id: lastChecked
+ translation: Dernière vérification
+- id: justNow
+ translation: Il y a quelques secondes
+#- id: someTimeAgo
+# translation: # Unable to translate
+# Example usage: `5` + `years`
+# Final result: 'Last checked 5 years ago'
+# Number goes before string
+# Use short variants until months
+- id: yearsAgo
+ translation: ans
+- id: monthsAgo
+ translation: mois
+- id: daysAgo
+ translation: j
+- id: hoursAgo
+ translation: h
+- id: minsAgo
+ translation: min
+- id: secondsAgo
+ translation: s
+- id: autoRefreshNotice
+ translation: Nous essaierons de rafraîchir la page toutes les 5 minutes
+# Incidents
+- id: incidents
+ translation: Incidents
+- id: incidentHistory
+ translation: Historique des incidents
+- id: resolved
+ translation: Résolu # if it's less than a min
+- id: inUnderAMinute
+ translation: en moins d'une minute # continuing the last string
+- id: resolvedAfter
+ translation: Résolu après # + 19 min
+- id: ofDowntime
+ translation: de temps d'arrêt
+- id: downtimeOngoing
+ translation: Non résolu
+- id: calmBeforeTheStorm
+ translation: Est-ce le calme avant la tempête ?
+- id: noIncidentsDesc
+ translation: Cette page d'état ne contient aucun incident enregistré. Cela peut être dû au fait que le ou les propriétaires de la page d'état ont récemment configuré leur page d'état, n'ont eu aucun temps d'arrêt ou n'ont enregistré aucun temps d'arrêt.
+- id: continueReading
+ translation: Lire la suite
+- id: prev
+ translation: Précédent
+- id: next
+ translation: Suivant
+- id: goBack
+ translation: Retourner à
+- id: backToTop
+ translation: Retour en haut de page
+- id: poweredBy
+ translation: Propulsé par
+- id: notFound
+ translation: Il n'y a rien ici.
+- id: notFoundText
+ translation: Cela pourrait être un problème de notre part. Peut-être avons-nous déplacé une certaine ressource et maintenant elle a disparu. Il est également possible que la ressource que vous essayez de visualiser soit vide. Mais cela vous dérange-t-il aussi de vérifier le lien ?
+- id: rss
+ translation: S'abonner via RSS
+- id: toAllUpdates
+ translation: à toutes les mises à jour
+- id: or
+ translation: ou
+- id: onlyThisFeed
+ translation: seulement ce flux
+## v3
+- id: entries
+ translation: rubriques
+- id: newestToOldest
+ translation: du plus récent au plus ancien
+## v4
+- id: notFoundAffected
+ translation: Il semble que ce système n'existe pas ou qu'il n'a jamais eu de temps d'arrêt enregistré.
diff --git a/i18n/lt.yaml b/i18n/lt.yaml
index 6721e8e..bee5e28 100644
--- a/i18n/lt.yaml
+++ b/i18n/lt.yaml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
- id: notFound
translation: Čia nieko nėra.
- id: notFoundText
- translation: Tai gali būti mūsų problema — galbūt puslapis, kurį bandote peržiūrėti, buvo kitur perkeltas arba buvo ištrintas. Taip pat yra galimybė, jog puslapis yra tuščias (pvz. jeigu vienas komponentas mūsų sistemoje nėra turėjęs problemų, nėra ko rodyti). Rekomenduoje dar kartą patikrinti, ar nuoroda, kurią naudojate, nėra neteisinga.
+ translation: Tai gali būti mūsų problema — galbūt puslapis, kurį bandote peržiūrėti, buvo kitur perkeltas arba buvo ištrintas. Rekomenduoje dar kartą patikrinti, ar nuoroda, kurią naudojate, nėra neteisinga.
- id: rss
translation: Gaukite atnaujinimus naudojant RSS
@@ -131,3 +131,9 @@
translation: įrašai
- id: newestToOldest
translation: naujiausi rodomi pirmi
+## v4
+- id: notFoundAffected
+ translation: Ši sistema neturi nė vieno įrašo. Arba neegzistuoja, arba nė vieną kartą nebuvo sutrukdyta jos veikla. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/tr.yaml b/i18n/tr.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30646af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/tr.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Turkish language file for cState
+# Version 3.0
+- id: languageCode
+ translation: tr
+- id: languageName
+ translation: Türkçe
+- id: languageNameShort
+ translation: TUR
+# Summary status message
+- id: isDown
+ translation: Majör problemler yaşanıyor
+- id: isDisrupted
+ translation: Kesintiler yaşanıyor
+- id: isNotice
+ translation: Lütfen duyuruyu okuyun
+- id: isOk
+ translation: Tüm sistemler işlevsel durumda
+# No JS warning
+- id: noScriptingIntro
+ translation: Bir saniye! Görünüşe göre JavaScript devre dışı. Lütfen
+- id: noScriptingLink
+ translation: JavaScript desteğini etkinleştirin
+- id: noScriptingOutro
+ translation: ki bu İnternet sitesini sorunsuzca görüntüleyebilesiniz.
+- id: thisIsDown
+ translation: Çökmüş
+- id: thisIsDisrupted
+ translation: Aksıyor
+- id: thisIsNotice
+ translation: Bakımda
+- id: thisIsOk
+ translation: İşlevsel
+# "Last checked" + "just now"
+- id: lastChecked
+ translation: Son kontrol
+- id: justNow
+ translation: az önce
+- id: someTimeAgo
+ translation: önce
+# Example usage: `5` + `years`
+# Final result: 'Last checked 5 years ago'
+# Number goes before string
+# Use short variants until months
+- id: yearsAgo
+ translation: yıl
+- id: monthsAgo
+ translation: ay
+- id: daysAgo
+ translation: gün
+- id: hoursAgo
+ translation: saat
+- id: minsAgo
+ translation: dakika
+- id: secondsAgo
+ translation: saniye
+- id: autoRefreshNotice
+ translation: Her 5 dakikada bir güncellenecektir
+# Incidents
+- id: incidents
+ translation: Olaylar
+- id: incidentHistory
+ translation: Olay geçmişi
+- id: resolved
+ translation: Çözümlendi # if it's less than a min
+- id: inUnderAMinute
+ translation: bir dakikadan kısa bir süre içinde # continuing the last string
+- id: resolvedAfter
+ translation: "Çözümlendi:" # + 19 min
+- id: ofDowntime
+ translation: süren arıza sonrasında
+- id: downtimeOngoing
+ translation: Çözümlenmedi!
+- id: calmBeforeTheStorm
+ translation: Bu fırtına öncesi sessizlik mi?
+- id: noIncidentsDesc
+ translation: Kaydedilmiş bir olaya rastlayamadık. Bunun sebebi, sitenin yeni kurulmuş olması, kesinti yaşanmamış olması ya da bu kesintilerin kaydedilmemesi olabilir.
+- id: continueReading
+ translation: Okumaya devam et
+- id: prev
+ translation: Önceki
+- id: next
+ translation: Sıradaki
+- id: goBack
+ translation: Geri git
+- id: backToTop
+ translation: Yukarıya dön
+- id: poweredBy
+ translation: Powered by
+- id: notFound
+ translation: Burada bir şey yok.
+- id: notFoundText
+ translation: Belki de aradığınız şeyi başka bir yere taşımışızdır. O şey hiç bulunmamış da olabilir. İki defa dene belki işe yarar?
+- id: rss
+ translation: RSS beslemesine abone ol
+- id: toAllUpdates
+ translation: bütün güncellemelere
+- id: or
+ translation: ya da
+- id: onlyThisFeed
+ translation: sadece bu beslemeye
+## v3
+- id: entries
+ translation: girdiler
+- id: newestToOldest
+ translation: en yeniden en eskiye