path: root/layouts/index.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'layouts/index.html')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/layouts/index.html b/layouts/index.html
index 2802ce1..be887c8 100644
--- a/layouts/index.html
+++ b/layouts/index.html
@@ -12,185 +12,36 @@
<!-- Main -->
<div class="contain">
- <noscript>
- <p class="error">{{ T "noScriptingIntro" }} <a href="//enable-javascript.com">{{ T "noScriptingLink" }}</a> {{ T "noScriptingOutro" }}</p>
- <div class="padding"></div>
- </noscript>
+ <!-- Enable JavaScript banner -->
+ {{ partial "index/noscript" . }}
- <!-- Main info -->
- <div class="summary">
- <strong>
- {{ if $isDown }}
- {{ T "isDown" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ if $isDisrupted }}
- {{ T "isDisrupted" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ if $isNotice }}
- {{ T "isNotice" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ T "isOk" }}
- {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
- </strong>
+ <!-- "All systems operational" (or not) banner -->
+ {{ partial "index/summary" . }}
- <span class="summary__date float-right" onclick="location.reload()"></span>
- </div>
+ <!-- Announcement box (title and short summary) -->
+ {{ partial "index/announcements" . }}
- {{ if $active }}
- <div class="announcement-box">
- {{ range $active }}
- <div class="padding">
- <p><strong class="bold">{{ .Title }}</strong></p>
- {{ .Content | safeHTML | truncate 500 "…" }}
- <p><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ T "continueReading" }}</a></p>
- </div>
- {{ else }}{{ end }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- {{ if .Site.Params.autoRefresh }}
- <div class="faded right">
- <small><em>{{ T "autoRefreshNotice" }}</em></small>
- </div>
- <div class="padding-s"></div>
- {{ else }}
- <div class="padding"></div>
- {{ end }}
- <!-- Individual info -->
- <div class="components">
- {{ $systems := .Site.Params.systems }}
- {{ range $systems }}
- {{ $activeComponentIssues := where $active "Params.affected" "intersect" (slice .name) }}
- {{ $thisIsNotice := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "notice" }}
- {{ $thisIsDisrupted := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "disrupted" }}
- {{ $thisIsDown := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "down" }}
- <div class="component" data-status="{{ if $thisIsDown }}down{{ else }}{{ if $thisIsDisrupted }}disrupted{{ else }}{{ if $thisIsNotice }}notice{{ else }}ok{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}">
- <a href="/affected/{{ .name | urlize }}" class="no-underline">
- {{ .name }}
- </a>
- {{ with .description }}
- <span class="tooltip tooltip--small">
- &nbsp; <span class="faded">(?)</span>
+ <!-- Auto refresh -->
+ {{ partial "index/autorefresh" . }}
- <span class="tooltip__text">
- {{ . }}
- </span>
- </span>
- {{ end }}
+ <!-- Individual component info -->
+ {{ partial "index/components" . }}
- <span class="component-status">
- {{ if $thisIsDown }}
- {{ T "thisIsDown" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ if $thisIsDisrupted }}
- {{ T "thisIsDisrupted" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ if $thisIsNotice }}
- {{ T "thisIsNotice" }}
- {{ else }}
- {{ T "thisIsOk" }}
- {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
- </span>
- {{ with .partial }}
- <div>
- {{ partial . . }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- </div>
- {{ if .Site.Params.enableCustomHTML }}
- {{ partial "custom/homepage-summary" . }}
- {{ end }}
- <!-- End main -->
- </div>
- {{ if .Site.Params.customTabs }}
- <div class="tabs">
- <div class="contain tabs--inner">
- <a href="/#incidents" class="tab tab--current">
- {{ T "incidents" }}
- </a>
- {{ range .Site.Params.customTabs }}
- <a href="{{ .link }}" class="tab tab--other">
- {{ .name }}
- </a>
- {{ end }}
+ {{ if .Site.Params.enableCustomHTML }}
+ {{ partial "custom/homepage-summary" . }}
+ {{ end }}
+ <!-- End main -->
- </div>
- {{ else }}
- <div class="contain contain--more">
- <h2 class="center">{{ T "incidentHistory" }}</h2>
- <hr class="clean">
- </div>
- {{ end }}
+ <!-- Custom tabs -->
+ {{ partial "index/tabs" . }}
+ <!-- All incidents + pagination -->
<div class="contain contain--more" id="incidents">
- {{ if not $incidents }}
- <div class="padding"></div>
- <h3>{{ T "calmBeforeTheStorm" }}</h3>
- <p>{{ T "noIncidentsDesc" }}</p>
- <div class="padding"></div>
- <div class="padding"></div>
- <div class="padding"></div>
- {{ else }}
- {{ $paginator := .Paginate $incidents .Site.Params.incidentPostsPerPage }}
- {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
- {{ .Render "small" }}
- {{ end }}
- <!-- If there are more than 2 pages, show pagination -->
- {{ if gt $paginator.TotalPages 1 }}
- <hr>
- <div class="center">
- {{ if $paginator.HasPrev }}
- <a href="{{ $paginator.Prev.URL }}#incidents">
- ⭠ &nbsp;
- {{ T "prev" }}
- </a>
- {{ else }}
- <span class="faded">
- ⭠ &nbsp;
- {{ T "prev" }}
- </span>
- {{ end }}
- &nbsp; &nbsp;
- {{ $paginator.PageNumber }}
- /
- {{ $paginator.TotalPages }}
- &nbsp; &nbsp;
- {{ if $paginator.HasNext }}
- <a href="{{ $paginator.Next.URL }}#incidents">
- {{ T "next" }} &nbsp;
- ⭢
- </a>
- {{ else }}
- <span class="faded">
- {{ T "next" }} &nbsp;
- ⭢
- </span>
- {{ end }}
- </div>
- {{ end }}
- {{ end }}
+ {{ partial "index/incidents" . }}
<div class="padding"></div>
{{ partial "js" . }}
{{ partial "footer" . }}