############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Notes | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Welcome to the cState configuration file! # # Hugo is used for building the status page, # so this file can be used to change how # your status page should behave or look. # # If you want to use special characters, # such as accented letters, you MUST save # the file as UTF-8, not ANSI. # # If cState does not load, ensure that: # - No tabs are present; # YAML only allows spaces # - Indents are correct # YAML hierarchy is based entirely on indentation # - You have "escaped" all apostrophes # in your text: If you want to write "don't", # for example, write "don''t" instead! # Note the doubled apostrophe. # - Text with symbols is enclosed in single # or double quotation marks. # # If you have problems, create an issue on GitHub: # https://github.com/mistermantas/cstate/issues ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Basic metadata | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # What is your status page called? # Shows up in the browser bar and meta tags title: Example Status # What language is this page in? # Only alters the html[lang] attribute languageCode: en-US # What is the hostname or path to the root? # Where is the site hosted? # # Slash enables relative links. # # Default: / # Example: https://status.example.com/ baseURL: / ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | Preferences | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ params: # These are your systems. Change them to # change the amount of components. # # For help, see the wiki: # https://github.com/mistermantas/cstate/wiki/Customization systems: - name: Gateway - name: API description: The guts of the application. - name: Media Proxy description: This is the service responsible for serving images, audio, and video. It is reliant on Fastly. # partial: custom/metrics # What header design should we use? # # Default: true # BOOLEAN; `true`, `false` useLargeHeaderDesign: false # Should we show the logo or the title # of the status page? # # Default: false # BOOLEAN; `true`, `false` useLogo: true # Where is the logo located, if one is # present at all? # # Recommended: png is best used for # images like logos. # # Recommended: png, bmp, jpg, or gif # for best browser support! logo: /logo.png # This is the description that is shown # in the footer and meta tags. # # Default: We continuously monitor the status of our services and if there are any interruptions, a note will be posted here. description: We continuously monitor the status of our services and if there are any interruptions, a note will be posted here. # Tabs on homepage # Uncomment to enable. # # Format: # customTabs: # - # name: Name # link: https://example.com # Uptime statistics tab # # Shows link to /stats # (uptime stats) # # Default: true # BOOLEAN; `true`, `false` showUptime: true # Colors throughout cState # # Defaults: # # brand: #181818 # ok: 228B22 # warning: DC143C # down: FF8C00 # notice: 708090 brand: 181818 ok: 228B22 disrupted: FF8C00 down: DC143C notice: 708090 # If the status page shows that # there are disruptions or outages # happening, should it keep the # brand header color or drop it # and use the status indication # colors that were just defined? # # Default: true # BOOLEAN; `true`, `false` alwaysKeepBrandColor: true # Google Analytics tracking code # # By default, cState does not use # Google Analytics. If you choose # to use it, you may change the # placeholder code below to your # own and thereby enable the # tracking service. # # To disable the analytics, change # the value to the default: # # Default: UA-00000000-1 googleAnalytics: UA-00000000-1 ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | For developers | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ # Should posts, which have a publish date # from the future, be built? Useful for # sharing upcoming maintenance, etc. # # We recommend to keep this at `true`. # BOOLEAN; `true`, `false` buildFuture: true # These options affect the core of cState. # Please do not change them if you do not # know what you are doing. theme: cstate-dev # If you are developing locally and want # to contribute to the cState Git repo, # please uncomment this option but do not # forget to re-comment it when themesDir: ../..