{{ partial "meta" . }} {{ $title := .Title }}
← {{ T "goBack" }} {{ .Site.Title }}

{{ $title }}

{{ range .Site.Params.systems }} {{ if eq .name $title }} {{ with .description }}

{{ . }}   {{ with .link }} 🔗 {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if not .Site.Params.disableComplexCalculations }}

{{ $resolved := first 5 (where .Pages "Params.resolved" "=" true) }} {{ if gt $resolved 0 }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" 0 }} {{ range $resolved }} {{ $t := (time .Params.ResolvedWhen) }} {{ $timeDiff := (sub $t.Unix .Date.Unix) }} {{ $diffInMin := (div $timeDiff 60) }} {{ $.Scratch.Set "counter" (add ($.Scratch.Get "counter") $diffInMin) }} {{ end }} {{ T "averageSystemsDowntime" }} {{ div ($.Scratch.Get "counter") (len $resolved) }} {{ T "averageSystemsDowntimeSecondPart" }} {{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ len .Pages }} {{ T "entries" }}, {{ T "newestToOldest" }}

{{ $incidents := .Pages }}
{{ if not $incidents }}

{{ T "calmBeforeTheStorm" }}

{{ T "noIncidentsDesc" }}

{{ else }} {{ $paginator := .Paginate $incidents .Site.Params.incidentPostsPerPage }} {{ range $paginator.Pages }} {{ .Render "small" }} {{ end }} {{ if gt $paginator.TotalPages 1 }}
{{ if $paginator.HasPrev }} ⭠   {{ T "prev" }} {{ else }} ⭠   {{ T "prev" }} {{ end }}     {{ $paginator.PageNumber }} / {{ $paginator.TotalPages }}     {{ if $paginator.HasNext }} {{ T "next" }}   ⭢ {{ else }} {{ T "next" }}   ⭢ {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ partial "js" . }} {{ partial "footer" . }}