{{ partial "meta" . }} {{ $incidents := where .Site.RegularPages "Params.section" "issue" }} {{ $active := where $incidents "Params.resolved" "=" false }} {{ $isNotice := where $active "Params.severity" "=" "notice" }} {{ $isDisrupted := where $active "Params.severity" "=" "disrupted" }} {{ $isDown := where $active "Params.severity" "=" "down" }} {{ partial "header" . }}
{{ if $isDown }} Experiencing major issues {{ else }} {{ if $isDisrupted }} Experiencing disruptions {{ else }} {{ if $isNotice }} Please read announcement {{ else }} All systems operational {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ if $active }}
{{ range $active }}

{{ .Title }}

{{ .Content | safeHTML | truncate 500 "…" }}

Continue reading

{{ else }}{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ if .Site.Params.autoRefresh }}
We auto-refresh every 5 minutes
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ $systems := .Site.Params.systems }} {{ range $index, $systems }} {{ $activeComponentIssues := where $active "Params.affected" "intersect" (slice .name) }} {{ $thisIsNotice := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "notice" }} {{ $thisIsDisrupted := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "disrupted" }} {{ $thisIsDown := where $activeComponentIssues "Params.severity" "=" "down" }}
{{ $this := .name }} {{ .name }} {{ with .description }}   (?) {{ . }} {{ end }} {{ if $thisIsDown }} Down {{ else }} {{ if $thisIsDisrupted }} Disrupted {{ else }} {{ if $thisIsNotice }} Maintenance {{ else }} Operational {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ with .partial }}
{{ partial . . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.enableCustomHTML }} {{ partial "custom/homepage-summary" . }} {{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.customTabs }}
Incidents {{ range .Site.Params.customTabs }} {{ .name }} {{ end }}
{{ else }}

Incident history

{{ end }}
{{ if not $incidents }}

Is it the calm before the storm?

This status page has no logged incidents. This may be because the status page owner (or owners) have recently set up their status page, have had no downtime, or have not logged any downtime.

{{ else }} {{ $paginator := .Paginate $incidents .Site.Params.incidentPostsPerPage }} {{ range $paginator.Pages }} {{ .Render "issue" }} {{ end }} {{ if gt $paginator.TotalPages 1 }}
{{ if $paginator.HasPrev }} ⭠   Previuos {{ else }} ⭠   Previuos {{ end }}     {{ $paginator.PageNumber }} / {{ $paginator.TotalPages }}     {{ if $paginator.HasNext }} Next   ⭢ {{ else }} Next   ⭢ {{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ partial "js" . }} {{ partial "footer" . }}