# This is the main configuration file for Netlify CMS. # Netlify CMS is used as the admin panel for cState. # # While some settings here can be kept as is, you may # want to change some for a more customized solution. # # You can look at what each option does and how to # toggle between them on the Netlify CMS repo docs: # # https://github.com/netlify/netlify-cms/blob/master/docs/quick-start.md backend: name: git-gateway media_folder: "static/img" public_folder: "/img" display_url: / # Do not change this! collections: - name: "issue" label: "Incidents" label_singular: "Incident" description: "Welcome to the cState admin panel! Here you can create new incidents or manage existing ones. Go ahead and give it a shot." folder: "content/issues" create: true slug: "{{year}}-{{month}}-{{day}}-{{slug}}" fields: # Hidden - {label: "Mark as incident", name: "Section", widget: "hidden", default: "issue"} # Very basic - {label: "Title", name: "Title", widget: "string"} - {label: "Start date & time (your time)", name: "Date", widget: "datetime"} - {label: "Mark as resolved", name: "Resolved", widget: "boolean", required: false} - {label: "End date & time (your time)", name: "ResolvedWhen", widget: "datetime", required: false} - label: "Severity" name: "Severity" widget: "select" options: - { label: "High (Down)", value: "down" } - { label: "Medium (Disrupted)", value: "disrupted" } - { label: "Low (Announcement)", value: "notice" } - label: "Affected systems (use exact name)" name: "Affected" widget: "list" allow_add: true required: false - {label: "Sequence of events", name: "body", widget: "markdown", default: "We are investigating a potential issue that might affect the uptime of one our of services."} - name: "settings" label: "Settings" delete: false editor: preview: false files: - name: "config" label: "Site Configuration" file: "config.yml" description: "Here you can visually edit the settings of your cState instance." fields: - {label: "Site title", name: "title", widget: "string"} - {label: "Should posts, which have a publish date from the future, be built? Useful for sharing upcoming maintenance, etc.", name: buildFuture, default: true, widget: boolean}